My name is Aizhan I

My name is Aizhan I

My name is Aizhan I am 34. I started volunteering in Kazakhstan Red Crescent a year ago. Employees of the Kazakhstan Red Crescent form a list of humanitarian aid recipients, and if there is a basket of products ready for delivery, the volunteers are divided into...


Hola, yo colaboro llevando medicinas a las personas que lo necesitan. Estas medicinas no se dispensan en farmacias, sino que las dispensan los médicos en los hospitales y debido al Covid-19, se han cerrado las consultas y las personas que lo necesitan (la mayoría...
What stands out of the picture? It is people’s smiles

What stands out of the picture? It is people’s smiles

My name is Jasulan. I am from the Astana branch of the Red Crescent of Kazakhstan. I am 21 years old and I am vice president of the club of the Red Crescent Society at Nazarbayev University. Within the fight with coronavirus, I am helping with forming product baskets...
Comunicar para seguir

Comunicar para seguir

Parecería evidente que en tiempos de pandemia, el equipo de Comunicación de Cruz Roja tendría un papel residual y que lo importante sería la Intervención Social y todas las personas que se están dejando la piel y el alma a diario para ayudar a aquellos que hoy, más...

We met this family on

We met this family on a day when we visited the homes of the people who applied for help by calling the Red Crescent department. Their houses were warming with coal and it was a rent. It was a difficult house to live. The father of the house had surgery on his leg a...
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