Welcome to Solferino Academy
The Solferino Academy aims to challenge and inspire the way people work, think, act and connect. It supports the IFRC network in transforming to be more fit for future and capable of thriving through the complex and dynamic changes occurring throughout the world in order to more effectively meet the humanitarian and development challenges. It aims to;
1. Be a leader in promoting cutting edge thinking in humanitarian work that can catalyse change and innovation in the sector
2. Support Red Cross and Red Crescent leaders and their National Societies in developing approaches for and implementing changes throughout their National Societies that will enable more innovative, agile and future fit organisations
3. Explore and support their experimentation with new and innovative approaches to humanitarian and development work.
How it Happens
The Solferino Academy is a team of experts in the process of innovation and collaborative, creative problem solving. It works as part of the IFRC network to bring together the right people to unlock their capacity to solve their most complex challenges, to explore ideas, develop solutions and capitalise on opportunities in unique and powerful ways. The Academy helps the network to gain fresh insights, fast track idea-generation and decision making and inspire better outcomes. Lastly, the Academy works in partnerships with the private sector and academic institutions, entrepreneurs, start-ups, and others who share similar values.
Our Focus
Future research
Advanced analysis of social, political, cultural and economic trends and emerging issues impacting vulnerability and the Humanitarian/Development sectors;
- Produce trends research, horizon scanning and analysis to better understand global transformations impacting society, humanitarian need and Red Cross Red Crescent models and programming.
- Engage universities, opinion leaders and experts to assist in analysing trends and disruptions and producing provocative content for the Red Cross and Red Crescent network
- Stage events and deliver creative communications and digital engagement strategies to support the dissemination of futures content and promote dialogue on key sectoral issues
Organizational Changes and Transformations
- Convening forums, workshops and dialogues among and between RCRC stakeholders and external experts to promote disruptive ideas, critical thinking and innovation that can influence the relevance and efficiency of Red Cross and Red Crescent work
- Develop a range of intensive supports for leadership of the IFRC network to assist them to define and implement change through their organisation
Innovation experiments
- Supporting and where needed, leading innovation experiments on key priority areas for the network to help accelerate change
- Staging campaigns and engagement initiatives that promote innovative approaches toward organizational priorities.