april, 2021

thu22apr3:00 pm3:30 pmVirtual EventWhen artificial intelligence and voice assistants help in reducing the digital divideby Cruz Roja Española, Amazon-Alexa, Accenture3:00 pm - 3:30 pm(GMT+02:00) View in my timeType:RoundtableLanguage:English,Español


(Thursday) 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm(GMT+02:00) View in my time

Event Details

ES (english below): Durante el confinamiento con motivo de la emergencia sanitaria provocado por el SARS-CoV2, identificamos la oportunidad de incorporar una nueva vía en el servicio multicanal para la relación con las personas mediante el desarrollo de una skill para el asistente de voz Alexa. Contando con la colaboración y apoyo de Amazon-Alexa y Accenture. En pocas semanas “La Voz de Cruz Roja” ya era una realidad en Alexa. Tras ese avance decidimos el despliegue de asistentes de voz en 100 hogares de diferentes ámbitos territoriales en España para identificar mediante un trabajo de investigación de campo nuevos servicios dirigidos a los colectivos vulnerables.

Objetivos de la sesión:
-Poner en común el trabajo realizado para la elaboración de la primera skill de Cruz Roja Española para el asistente de voz “Alexa” en alianza con las firmas Amazon Alexa y Accenture además de nuestra Fundación de Tecnologías Sociales (TECSOS).
-Exponer el proceso de exploración mediante un trabajo de campo con más de 100 usuarios reales, diferentes casos de uso y con una fuerte implicación de equipos de voluntarios para identificar nuevas funcionalidades para incorporar en servicios de Cruz Roja.

Exposición en formato mesa redonda con la participación Amazon-Alexa – Accenture – Cruz Roja Española

Regístrese con anticipo para reservar su lugar y participar en la sesión: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpd-urqTMrGd38zMTBD9x7rFbScyNZMmJp

EN: During the confinement due to the health emergency caused by SARS-CoV2, we identified the opportunity to incorporate a new avenue in our multichannel service to improve the relationship with people by developing a skill for the Alexa voice assistant. This was possible because of the collaboration and support of Amazon-Alexa and Accenture. In a few weeks “The Voice of the Red Cross” was already a reality on Alexa. After this development, we decided to deploy voice assistants in 100 homes in different areas in Spain to identify, through field research work, new services aimed at vulnerable groups. Goals: To share the work carried out to develop the first Spanish Red Cross skill for the voice assistant “Alexa”, in alliance with Amazon Alexa and Accenture as well as our Foundation for Social Technologies (TECSOS).

-Share the work carried out to develop the first Spanish Red Cross skill for the voice assistant “Alexa” in partnership with Amazon-Alexa and Accenture, as well as with our Social Technologies Foundation (TECSOS).
-Present the process of exploration through field research with more than 100 real users, different case studies and the strong involvement of volunteers teams to identify new functionalities to include in the Red Cross services.

Roundtable with the participation of Amazon-Alexa, Accenture and the Spanish Red Cross.

Register in advance to secure your spot and join the session: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpd-urqTMrGd38zMTBD9x7rFbScyNZMmJp

This session may be of special interest to showcase the possibilities that this type of technology can offer among the vulnerable groups we serve. For example, we have discovered that the further away the users were from the use of technology, the more useful they have found the features that Alexa can offer them. In addition, they have finally found an interface of natural use for them that ease their access to the world of the Internet.

Virtual Event Details

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