april, 2021
(Monday) 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm(GMT+02:00) View in my time
Event Details
IFRC commissioned two research and consultation reports looking at opportunities and risks of Digital ID’s in the humanitarian sector and more specifically on the migration context. In this
Event Details
IFRC commissioned two research and consultation reports looking at opportunities and risks of Digital ID’s in the humanitarian sector and more specifically on the migration context. In this session, we will hear directly from the researchers/consultants on their findings and recommendations including: what “digital ID” means to different humanitarian actors; what solutions are being piloted or explored; benefits and risks to individuals and humanitarian organisations.
Speakers from the Dignified Identities (DIGID) project, Oxford Centre for Technology and Development (OCTD), an independent consultant on Digital ID & Migration.
Register in advance to reserve your spot for this session: https://forms.microsoft.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=5Tu1ok5zbE6rDdGE9g_ZF3srZdLCQUdFgTaUyVrs_OBUREFZMFhWRzZIUUU3Q1BTVFBIT01PUlVWQy4u